Water Week 6 Addition and Subtraction

Task Description: today I did this maths subtraction and addition we had use for box expanded form counters written form and maths problem. this was quiet cool as we had four boxes and it would be super useful if we need it. I actually had so much fun doing this task and how the numbers were pretty high just for task  one.

Descriptive Writing Ngati Paoa


Task Description: today I wrote a little bit of some descriptive writing. seeing these images from the past was kind of weird.  seeing it now makes me think how much the area has improved. and learning about some of the areas and places is pretty cool. including the bridge that was used for anything at this point. I bet I could see a baby elephant going past at this point but jokes aside it was a good task.

Research Task Ngati Paoa



Task Description> today we did this task about where and when Ngati paoa dominated the world with the terrain and intercoms and food resources they had. what we call now mt wellington. we had to name and answer some questions based of where when who and a bunch more. I also had lots of fun with this task learning about what happens in the olden days.

Research Maui Myths and Legends

Task Description: today I did this task about the maui myths and legends. it was kind of fun doing this task but also extremely hard. with some pages not having any description. and I also had to try and draw a picture but. I wasn’t really good at drawing as it is not as detailed  as I wanted it to be but it was fine and okay.

This week my number is:

Task Description: today I did this maths number of the week task. Since last week our teacher left to go watch the warriors. so we had two relievers. and I am pretty sure this week friday she will be coming back. it is very exciting but I had lots of fun with this activity and now the number is getting a lot bigger.

Maui and the sun Retell

→maui and his brothers loved fishing but when the sun closed it was to dark for them to go sailing into the sea or just fishing off the land as it was to dark for them to see what they are doing. And they were extremely tired of the sun going so fast throughout the day, and they were fed up with it so. They made a plan to catch the sun but none has ever accomplished this.  More because no one has ever tried this. So they first made flax and rope to together with their grandmothers jawbone. And they had to do this smoothly so they waited where the sun lays at and they pull it off they tell the sun it must stop going down so fast or else they would not let it go. And the sun agreed and apparently the sun started going down a lot slower for their liking. 

Writing Warm Up T1W4

Task Description: today I did this writing Warm Up activity for this week. It was pretty fun as we had to describe these massive titans and take a big step ahead. well not that big but we were going to do something new this time. and I really liked describing these god type people that are looking like they could take this world in a instant…

Ranginui and Papatuanuku Research Create Task

Task Description: today I did this reading create research task was fun and short as the article had everything that we needed for our pages and questions that we had to answer. The hardest Page that I did  was the last page. the reason was that we had to draw a picture and I have to admit I am horrible at drawing pictures. But I tried the hardest I could until I got last and just stopped  adding detail.

Number of the Week

Task Description: today I did this maths number of the week task for this week  this task was pretty fun  and easy.  I had no trouble with this task and I think we need to start having a ages and year tasks. as these task are really easy but I really did like it as every week the number is raising down or raising up. please leave a positive comment On my blog!!!

Research Create Task

Task Description: today I did my create task for this week in reading. this task had lots of questions for us to answer we even had to search up on goggle for some of these questions. this task was really hard and challenging but I eventually worked it out and finded out all the questions and finally did particularly the hardest page in this entire task was the third page when we had to write events that has happen throughout the years and months that includes or is in New Zealand.