Word search & Poetry

Task Description: today I did this task about a word search and a Poetry. this task  was made from one of the students in my class. this task was really fun and also really hard  . the reason why it was hard as the word search was had lots of words spread out. so it was really hard to try and find these words as these were put in different kinds of order like other word searches but the thing that made me so off was that there was too many words for me so  I started thinking about something else  but with the help with some of my friends I finished.

Wheres Wally?

Task Description: today I I did this task for Manakalani, Manakalani is a program that you can do tasks throughout the holidays. this is one of the first tasks I have done out of the Manakalani. and anyone can do it.  I  had lots of fun trying to spot were are these people. but the hard part was making the picture.

T’was Night before Christmas

Task Description: today I did this reading task about Christmas and it was really easy. the thing that made this task easy was because I had lots of the information from the book and when it was time to write a little summary I had already most of the information I needed for the summary. but I also had lots of fun reading this book, and just talking about Christmas.

Christmas Narratives Wish List Mix Up

Task Description: today I did my last writing task for this week and I was so tired when I finished all my work. I worked extremely hard to finish all my work and I think all of this hard work was worth it so I could finish all of this. the reason why I’ve been so excited was because I finished my last reading and writing task for the whole of this week and I think I have improved a lot throughout the year. and once again if you thought my story writing has improved a lot please comment.

The Snow Globe

Task Description: today I did my fourth story and I was so excited, when I was able to finish this task. the reason why I was excited because it was my second to last writing task for this week. as I’ve have five writings task throughout this week and I have finished four of them and I can’t wait to finish I hope that you think my story was good please leave positive comment please goodbye.

Santas Back up team

Task description: today I did my third writing narrative about Christmas. this story was different to the other two as it was called Santas Back up team. the reason why I like writing is I can use  different kinds of writing techniques to help me learn and have improvement.I love writing storys based of pictures and sentences. I hope that you will enjoy reading my story about Christmas.

Magical lantern

Task Description: today I did this writing task about this Christmas lantern. this task was really hard as I was trying as hard to make it as detailed and significant description of whats happening. but I think I did pretty good as I’ve been adding many different writing techniques we have learnt throughout the year. if you thought this writing was pretty good please leave a positive comment.

Creating A Paper Plane

Task description: today I finally finished this inquiry paper plane this task was really hard as we worked on it for about seven weeks. yes we did this task for seven weeks. the reason why this task was so hard was because we had to make instructions that were really specific and the instructions have to be clear. also as we had to make it three minutes. but some how with the help of our teacher we made basic instructions introduction I hope these instructions were helpful bye.

The Mysterious Gift

Task Description: today I did this writing task themed about Christmas as we head into December. we have over five writings task about Christmas. I really had fun as I was writing about the mysterious gift, I think I did a pretty good on this writing task. if you thought I write pretty good story’s please leave a positive comment if you enjoyed it goodbye.

Ambassadors 2025 Application

Task Description: today I did this task signing up to be a ambassador. a ambassador is a job for people that introduce visitors to our school the reason why I want to be one is that I feel it can help me be less shy when talking to other people I hope that you learnt a little more about my school and what we do I hope you have a great day goodbye.