Tag: Reading

Reading Task 2

Task Description: today me and my group did this task it this part of the school journal was made by by Vikter Allen I had a fun time learning and I would like to thank our school and teacher for getting all the books and other amazing stuff and I highly recommend looking on more of my friends  and classmates blog as I hope you guys have a great day and I will see you next time goodbye.


Reading No Girls allowed

Task Description: today me and my group did this task. it was pretty difficult and I barley knew what to do but when I found out how easy it was I started to go supersonic speed. as if we do not finish one thing today we will stay in lunch time and I did not want to stay. so I did it as fast as I can it was me vs the time and I eventually finished just in time. so I did not need to stay in and I can play with my friends and now I think this one of the stressful things and I like to thank my friend for his help.

Andrew LLOYD

Task Description: today me and my group were learning about this man called Andrew LLOYD WEBBER I learned a lot about him and on the last page there is five sentences that I found about him I had a lot of fun and it was pretty hard but I hope you have a great day and I will see you tomorrow bye.


Task Description: hello my name is Tolati today my class did a poppy the reason why it is because wee did it for ANZAC day I had so much interactions because I did not have a good looking poppy but at the end I still did my Poppy that is all I care about finishing and completing I also had a lot of fun with this but I do need to improve but anyways I hope you have a lovely day and I was see you next time.

Reading Task 1

Hello my name is Tolati today my group did a sheet and we had to write on it I learned a lot what you can do in because most of the days I am gaming but I had a lot of fun doing this with my group I wonder how they where I was super surprised how long it took because it took me two days just to finish it but anyways I hope you have a great day and I will see you in the next one,


Task Description: I had  so much fun  doing this as I was talking about stuff that I have not told my friends or family but I had a lot of fun talking about what has happened  in my life but I hope you guys have a great and Lovely day butt I will see you in the next one.



Task Description: hello my name is  tolati me and my class got books from a organisation  called  dominon  construction.  if you are reading this dominion construction I would like to thank you as I know you have helped us for many many years.  and I am looking forward what you have planned for us next year , but anyways  have a lovely day and I will see you in the next one.


Task Description: hello today my group was reading a book about pets and now as if you reading my Google slides  you will know a lot about how depressed you are that’s why I suggest putting him in a safe place and I am not talking to castle that’s  has mini guns  that’s a little to over board. by I mean over board extremely over board, but anyway’s hope you have good rest of your day and I see you in the one.


Task Description: this was pretty easy but it was kind of tired but  I did not let that get in my way of doing what I love the best blogging and meeting other people but anyways Stay awesome and I will  see you in the next one.