Donkey Sleepover

Task Description: today I did this task about donkey sleepover. this task was really fun the reason why it was fun was because we could do a invitation. this task was also fun because of the questions that were their made me think  why haven’t I done a sleep over. this task was a lot of messing around as we were writing fun stuff about each other. but at the end me and my friend finished this and I hope you learnt about my blog bye.


Task Description: today I did this task called Whanau this task showed me that anything could be the last. this means that what ever time you have with your friends or family members use it wisely. as you don’t know how much time you have left with them including animals like dogs and cats. I hope you learnt about something blog.

Riding on a Wing

Task Description: today I did this task about these boys on a Wing. we all had to make a story about this picture and eventually lead it up to the end. I think I did really well and I have improved writings my narratives and story.  I hope that you learnt all about writing and learnt about my story. and if you really enjoyed please leave a positive comment bellow goodbye.

Broken Wing

Today I read this book called broken wing. it was about this bird that has a broken wing and mostly survives in water. what I learnt from this book is animals rights come first. and don’t ever steal something from animals. as one of your family members might have a bond with this animal. and this would ruin them, I hope that you now know  about this book bye.

The Daily New Pigeons

Task Description:  today I made my own Article about this book I been reading pigeon post. this task was really fun because we were writing about a article. the reason I thought this was awesome was because I could talk about pigeons and act  like it was a will article. I hope that if you read this please leave a positive comment and have a great day.

New Zealand Birds

Task Description: today I did this task about new Zealand birds this was extremely a hard  task because this book didn’t have all the information for  this task but I finished it. and I have to say this reading task might be the hardest task I have ever done because I had to keep looking back trying to find the answer realising its not this book but I hope you a great day.

The Floating


Task Description: today I did this story about this picture. this was really hard and confusing as we had no Idea if we were post brainstorm then write our story or do our story and do our brainstorm. it was super confusing but at the end we got it sorted and we all had fun at the end. writing story’s about these pictures goodbye.

Narrative brainstorm

Task Description: today I did this brainstorm about a picture. were basically going to make a story next week about  a picture of a girl and a background of birds. my story title was the creatures of the night. it was mainly about nature and monsters roaming the trenches of the forest. i hope next week your  able to see my story bye.

Pigeon Post

Task Description: today I learnt what we pigeons used for. I learned they send letters and stop fights. this was a massive in the olden days because they didn’t have male mans like what we have today. it was really fun learning about how pigeons were a massive step in the olden. days and how they served in the Nazis wars. I hope you have learnt about pigeons and what difference  what we have now and what we had before.


Manakalani Film Festival Recount.

Task Description: today I did this task about the Manakalani film festival. I enjoyed watching all the schools movie including ours. even though I was pretty nervous for our presenters. but I had a amazing time at the Movie theatre. I really loved the Movies but nothing can top last years. but I still really enjoyed spending time and seeing what other schools do goodbye.