Year: 2024

Magic and Mystery

Task Description: today me and my group did this task for this week and when I mean group I did it alone as we did not have a enough time as their is no school on friday since it matariki and second on wednesday I had a celebration with the school for matariki but I hope you have a great day bye.

Ancient Greece

Task Description: today me and my group called valentiono did our Task about this war that happened for ten years straight it was endless it was about the romans vs the Greek soilders the romans they thought they had a master plan and they thought they won but it reversed and the Greek ended up winning.

Hidden Cabin

Task Description: today me and my class did this task about this picture I added some more character to make it more life feeling and a couple of minutes working on this I finished it in the small time I had I hope you have a great day goodbye.









Reading week 8 2024

Task Description: today me and my group split as we were talking about Charles darwin we were post to have four people and each group one of us actually didn’t come to school today so we had to make a group with a three and a four so yeah but even with less people we still were able to finish well I did but my group still needs to get on the last page.


Task Description: today me and my class did this task about Respect we used each letter to represent like a feeling basically and we had to write about it and get a picture, we got this idea because at our school we have a school assembly and each week we get something called a koreo and today was RESPECT 101 I had a lot of fun making this as if I became something called a prefect this  will help a lot and I will ready get used to it.